Friday, February 13, 2009

Amazing Evening!

Hey there. What a great evening Jiggies and I had. He wanted to come in and play all the way from the pasture! We had a great time. Once I got him in the arena he was a bit high headed (windy) and I immediatly started to work with him and he turned left in a heartbeat! We worked figure 8 around the barrels (i need help with that) trotted over the 4 timbers, and I planted muchies around the arena and he had to find them! We did loads of stuff at liberty too!!! He did really great! I didn't want to leave and I can't wait for this weekend! I love you soooooooo much Jiggies. Thank you for helping me with OUR Journey!

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About Me

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Genoa, Illinois, United States
I am a southern girl who moved north right out of highschool. Born and raised in Fla, couldn't take the intense heat. I moved to Massachussetts and loved New England. From there I moved to the Midwest when my boys were small. Here I have made a great life with my special boys. I have a great job, friends and as of a few years ago a terrific husband. I love life. My boys are grown now and off in college. It is a quiet satisfaction that these boys helped me thru some hard times and they are well rounded happy adults. I am truely blessed. I also have an extensive pet list! I love animals as well! I bought my boy in 2000 after I was laid off at my job. Best thing I ever did! I have been working Parelli with him since about 2001 but more dilligently in the last 6 months. He introduced me to the wonderful world of oils when he split his back hoof almost off! I now work holistic with all my animals. I am a Reiki Master Teacher (energetic healing) and work with some herbs as well for whole health of the animal (and humans)! It is truely a fabulous journey he is taking me on...