Monday, April 27, 2009

It's been forever baby!!!!

I finally got out to my boy without killing myself. I went out the week after my surgery and of course it was 38 degrees and a wind tunnel not to mention sleeting. Of course my boy has to rile up the herd!!!

I spent an hour trying to coax him in to get trimmed yeah NOT!!! Even poor Mike got out there and all Jiggs could do is say, "cool, Mr. Mike lets run him around gang" That's exactly what he did. I finally gave up gave Mike 10 bucks for gas and went home in tears! I was wet, in pain and frustrated. At least Jiggies was happy he won that round.

Yesterday though, Mike called from Texas told me he would be there around 2 so out I went. Of course I am walking alot better. So I can chase him a bit more if need be. Luck would have it, Maryanne and Lea met me at the barn! I was so excited! To watch Lea play with Jiggies (had no problem having him come in) is like a well orchestrated symphony! She is such a natural. What a gift. If only I had that at 14. How blessed are we to have her and Ali in our lives huh Jiggies?

Mike trimmed him up beautifully. Thanks to Lea I could watch and learn some pointers from Mike. He is a good teacher.

Well till later baby. Mom really misses you...see you soon.

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About Me

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Genoa, Illinois, United States
I am a southern girl who moved north right out of highschool. Born and raised in Fla, couldn't take the intense heat. I moved to Massachussetts and loved New England. From there I moved to the Midwest when my boys were small. Here I have made a great life with my special boys. I have a great job, friends and as of a few years ago a terrific husband. I love life. My boys are grown now and off in college. It is a quiet satisfaction that these boys helped me thru some hard times and they are well rounded happy adults. I am truely blessed. I also have an extensive pet list! I love animals as well! I bought my boy in 2000 after I was laid off at my job. Best thing I ever did! I have been working Parelli with him since about 2001 but more dilligently in the last 6 months. He introduced me to the wonderful world of oils when he split his back hoof almost off! I now work holistic with all my animals. I am a Reiki Master Teacher (energetic healing) and work with some herbs as well for whole health of the animal (and humans)! It is truely a fabulous journey he is taking me on...